Saturday, November 6, 2010

Creating Closure in Direct Instruction!!

After teaching the class about Direct Instruction, the co-teachers had another job ahead of them. Our next task was to assist the other students in the class in creating power point presentations based upon the different elements of a direct instruction lesson plan. The group I chose to assist was the Closure Group. Their job was to create a powerpoint discussing the importance of closure and how it can be used in a direct instruction setting.

I gave the group some suggestions of websites they can use to assist them in creating their power point. I created a presentation for them to work on in google docs and shared it with them. I also suggested that they use a wordle for their anticipatory set to associate all of the terms that go along with closure. I also assisted in showing the group a video on youtube called "Language for Learning" which provided an example of how closure is used in the classroom. Lastly, I suggested that a useful direct instruction strategy to conclude their presentation would be to make a quiz on quizlet and have the rest of the class take the quiz to see if they have acquired the information that was taught to them.

I was happy to see that the closure group took my suggestions and I thought that they all did a wonderful job up there teaching! I made sure I made myself available to help anyone in the group that needed my help. This was a positive experience for me, for the group, and for the rest of the class.

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