Monday, December 6, 2010

The 6 Thinking Hats

The class was given an assignment to come up with an activity using the Social Interactive Model. The activity that my group was given were the Six Thinking Hats! The Six Thinking Hats are an example of a Social Interactive Model Method that can be used in the classroom. For our activity different colored hats with a matching index card were given out to six groups. On the back of the index card there was a certain type of thinking described. On the SMART Board there was a list of each color with a topic assigned to each group to think about! After everyone had time to talk in groups we let each group give us their explanation.

This was a really great activity because each group had to deal with only one type of thinking and I think that can be helpful at times. Also, it was like an evaluation of the course so a lot of the student's were able to voice their opinions on the positive and negative aspects of the course so far.

I would definitely use this activity in my classroom because it promotes social skills and helps students think in a way they are not used to doing.

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