Saturday, September 18, 2010

Aims, Goals, Objectives, Oh My!

After learning about the four models of teaching, the class got into the beginning stages of direct instruction. If I had to choose a model to go by in my own classroom I think I would be a social interaction/personal kind of teacher because those models interest me the most but, I am sure I will use all four models of teaching because every student has different abilities.

Direct instruction and Indirect instruction are two possible strategies a teacher can follow. I think my students would enjoy more of an indirect path because there are three possible ways you can teach indirectly: Interactive, Independant, and Experential. Although I will use Direct instruction at times (especially when introduing a new concept) I feel like indirect would be a better approach to keep my future students engaged.

In class we also had some more review formulating goals and objectives. I know that a goal is a general statement and that an objective is the most specific statement of a teacher's intention of how a lesson will be taught. I think that before I can find success in formulating goals and objectives one would have to be familiar with what a goal and a objective is.
When researching to learn more about goals and objectives I came across this video. I thought it ws helpful because it was a review of what goals and objectives are and why it is important to use goals and objectives in your teaching.

Overall, this was a great week in class and I walked away from it learning many things that will help me when I go to plan lessons and create my webquest.

All About Me!

I thought the T-Shirt Project was a nice way to get to know the rest of the class. It is amazing to me that each individual person has their own dream of where and what they want to teach. I like that each individual person had their own way of presenting their t-shirts to the rest of the class.
By completing the t-shirt project it allowed me to focus in on what I really want to do with my life. I had to focus on what I want to teach and what state I would want to teach it in. I also had to think about what was important to me in my life.

I think it is a great way of starting the class off on the right foot. I came into the class three weeks into it and I enjoyed the project and enjoyed hearing the projects of my peers. It definitely helped me feel that I belonged and was welcomed.

The project also gave me an idea for when I am an educator. Things that show other people who you are allows one to become comfortable in their environment. I think it would be a great idea to do something similar to the t-shirt project in order to allow my students to become comfortable in their environment and with each other. When I am a teacher I will definitely do something like the project we had to do in class.